Tuesday, February 28, 2006

February Flu...and the meaning of life

I'm sick. I'm sick and tired. I've been sick and tired for two weeks. Two weeks. Sick and tired.

Sound familiar? It seems everyone experiences some combination of sick and tired at this time of year. We forget our Flu shot, we don't take our ColdFx, we whine and complain. It makes me want to contemplate my existence (what doesn't these days?).

Well, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, SARS is back with a vengeance. And its avian cousin is still going strong. So maybe I'm not alone.

I tend to think that the powers that be have decided that our days of pour eating and quasi-hibernation have gone on too long. We're finally being punished for that extra triangle of Toblerone or glass of egg nog. For years we've been warned to make fruitless New Year's resolutions to exercise and shit, now it's come to bite us in the ass. Maybe Hitchcock really was a modern-day Nostrodamus and the birds really are coming to get us. Stay inside!

Now back to Neo Citran...

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

There's something addictive about Bingo...

It's like crack. Seriously. I can't stop scratching that shit and at $3 a hit, it's not a horrible addiction. Really, it's perfectly normal. I swear. Bitter, smoking seniors are definitely on to something here.

Speaking of Bingo, here's something wicked and completely unrelated.


Now, I'm an avid eBay'er, but there's something romatic about trading a paperclip for a house. He makes it out to be a game, but will he still say the same thing when he's traded his cube van for a bronze statue of Jean Chretien which he'll trade for Celene Dion's solid gold above ground swimming pool, which can only lead to a swap for the log cabin that Roberston Davies and Margaret Laurence built with their own hands on the slopes of majestic Mt. Washington, BC in 1783. It won't be a game any longer, buddy. Oh no!

P.S. Does anyone want to trade for my Turbo Graphix 16 complete with the entire Bonk series of games? I'm trying to get a bronze statue of Jean Chretien. Or a drum set.