Friday, November 03, 2006

Only in Toronto...

...could we screw up every chance at international fame. Actually, not we, but he:

Yet again, our mayor's free-spending ways have prevented us from getting something cool, this time the 2015 World's Fair. Wouldn't that have been sweet? Wouldn't that have been a nice jab back at Montreal? Nope, not this time.

It's easy to think that an NDP trying to deal with Liberals and Conservatives would be a recipe for disaster. But, when you realize that both Ontario and the Fed's were just about to get on board, something had to go awry.

And, as usual, Miller probably pleaded that Toronto is soooo cash-strapped (I wonder why, when, despite his short-comings, Mel Lastman at least left a decent surplus behind) and everyone else would have to chip in more cash to help promote the bid. Of course, if he hadn't given his money away to God knows who, we might actually have more than $20 to at least do something to help bring money to the city.

Oh well, maybe next time. Yeah right.

Rant over.