Thursday, January 26, 2006

Age is just a number...

Until you turn 25! My god! I'm in my mid-twenties! And I'm using a lot of exclamation marks!

Having lived a quarter century it amazes me at what I've done with my life and where I'm going. Shit, I'm surprised I even managed to tie my shoes properly (that's why I keep half my shoes tied all the time and slip my feet in and out).

I can't say too much about it really, without getting into deep introspective gobbely-gook (that's right, I used gobbely-gook), but I should say that things are not much...different. Aside from people randomly singing "Happy Birthday" or the girlfriend appearing with a balloon and a be-candled brownie, it's just another day. I'm sure my mom doesn't like remembering the exciting experience she had birthing me. I mean, time's passing without my control so I just have to accept it and keep riding the wave. Right?

But, fuck, what am I doing with my life?! What are we all doing? I just want to play drums and drink tea on Sunday afternoons. Do I have to be over 65 to enjoy that? Hell no!

F***ing Crazy!

The dictionary defines insanity as repeating the same task over and over again and expecting a different result each time. I would define it as this:

These guys are insane! Check out the photo gallery and the FAQ. They're essentially skating without a board. That's wicked!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Whatever happened to the Rhinoceros Party?

Yesterday's election results were no suprise to me. Despite who you voted for, it's hard not to agree with the fact that we've set the stage for a pseudo-dramatic Parliament (as dramatic as Canadian politics can be).

With the split 124 for the blue team to 103 for the red, there is going to be a lot more focus placed on most issues, and much more press coverage of every scrutinizing detail. It kind of reminds me of GI-Joe the Movie, where the Joe's and Cobra, while an even match through most episodes until (naturally) the Joe's prevail, this time there are new forces at play. What I mean is, the Bloq are kind of like those creepy snake-dudes in Cobra-La. Now, while they're not going to try to take over the world by launching mutant death spores from space (though, who knows what really goes on in the wilderness of northern Quebec), they're going to act as the balance of power in the new Parliament.

Even though GI-Joe beats both Cobra and their evil-er cousins in that animated film masterpiece, whoever wants to win with each issue is going to have to make deals with each other to get stuff passed. That would mean GI-Joe might have to make a deal with Cobra-La sometimes, and maybe have to let the combined snake-being force win on other occasions.

Where does that leave the NDP, you ask? Well, they're kind of like Sgt. Slaughter's band of misfits. Who knows when and where they're going to parachute in from to lay waste via a general ass-whooping. I always thought Jack Layton's mustache looked familiar.

It's going to be an exciting 18 months until the next election, that's for sure!

Friday, January 20, 2006

It begins!

I don't know any better way to introduce my blog, so I'll just pledge allegiance to this guy...

I'm sure I've seen him at Dance Cave, wearing a blazer. A blazer with a hoodie sewn into it. Damn, I'm jealous!